Tuesday, February 3, 2009

View from the Top>>Vector check

By Chief Master Sgt. Anthony Brinkley
19th Airlift Wing command chief

Monday, I found myself going through my weekly ritual of trying to determine what this week’s article would be about, and as usual I conferred with Mrs. Pat Sheppard. She gives me many inspirational thoughts and concepts to ponder and I’d like to share another with you. As the first month of 2009 passes, where are you in regard to your plans or resolutions? When she made this statement to me, I immediately thought about the things I determined to do and began to assess my progress.

As she continued to give me her perspective on why plans are made but often not fulfilled, it began to resonate with me. Pat suggested that many of our goals fail because they are outside goals, meaning they are dictated by others and not fully embraced by the person making the statement. It’s good to have people provide perspective, but true growth takes place when the inward self decides this is needed. So to paraphrase Pat, growth and change are internal. So my question is, is your heart involved in your decisions to improve or are you just talking?

I don’t say this to criticize but to challenge, just as Pat challenged me. What are the things you have decided to enhance; is it your spiritual, physical, mental, educational or family that is a higher priority this year? Before we look up, we’ll be saying “where has the year gone” and I believe life is too short and precious to have regrets. I am thankful to be surrounded by people who try to hold others around them accountable. Mrs. Sheppard is a classic example of those who make Team Little Rock a place of continual growth and improvement. We are the best because we strive to get better everyday. Now don’t let another day slip away; stay focused.
Combat Airlift!

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