Friday, October 10, 2014

TOP STORY >> BAH recertification process still underway

By Staff Sgt. Jessica Condit
19th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

In March 2014, the Air Force announced the basic allowance for housing recertification process. The Air Force-wide initiative was established to allow the Air Force to validate Airmen’s BAH entitlements and ensure every dollar spent on BAH is audit able. 

Financial service analysts at Little Rock Air Force Base have been working diligently to ensure the base is compliant with the expectations by the Dec. 31 deadline. The team has taken great strides in the recertification process and looks at the deadline with confidence. 

“We are currently at 87 percent complete,” said Staff Sgt. Arielle Wilson, the 19th Comptroller financial services supervisor. “The 19th CPTS must complete BAH recertification for Little Rock AFB and all geographically separated units by Dec. 31, 2014. We only have 11 squadrons left to revalidate.”

The process for Team Little Rock members has been rolling along quickly and smoothly. The remainder of the squadrons will receive notification by the financial services office and will have 30 days to provide the required documentation. If the documentation is not provided in the allotted amount of time, Airmen will have their housing allowance status reduced to single-rate BAH. Airmen deployed, on extended leave or temporary duty will be give special consideration in meeting the 30-day deadline. 

Although the recertification process has gone smoothly, some discrepancies were found. The financial services office quickly acquired all necessary documents from each member and updated their pay records. 

“We had a few members with significant underpayments,” said Wilson. “We quickly identified the discrepancy, however, and paid back the member their due entitlements.”

The Air Force is making every effort possible to save money and ensure the public knows how taxpayer dollars are being spent. 

In a recent memorandum regarding the BAH recertification process, Gen. Mark A. Welsh III, Air Force Chief of Staff explained the necessity of the revalidation process and what it means to the community the Air Force supports. 

“America entrusts the Air Force not only to spend taxpayer dollars wisely and efficiently, but also to account and justify that expenditure,” said Welsh. “Preparation for this important and legislatively-mandated effort rests in the hands of every Airman, not just the financial community.”

For more information on the BAH recertification process or to ensure you meet the criteria for special consideration in meeting the 30-day deadline, please contact the financial services office at 501-987-8294.

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