Friday, September 25, 2015

BRIEFS >> 092515

Drug take back Saturday
Drug take back day is Saturday and the 19th Security Forces Squadron will be at the base exchange for people to turn in used or expired medications for safe disposal. Law enforcement agencies state wide are participating in the event. For more turn-in sites, visit

Volunteers needed
Motivated volunteers are needed for the third annual Diversity Day slated for January. Planning meetings are set for 1 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday in Bldg. 430 Passenger Room 1. The event will encompass all 10 federal observances, including Women’s History Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, and Black History Month, and there are committees for each observance. For more information, email the event project officer, Capt. Tarah Mitchell, at

Scam alert

The Defense Health Agency, Office of Program Integrity has identified a scam that is targeting TRICARE beneficiaries. This scam asks beneficiaries to become TRICARE “Secret Shoppers.” Beneficiaries may receive a letter along with a fake check from Wisconsin Physician Services in the amount of $3,775, along with instructions on what to do with the check. These letters and checks are bogus, and individuals who participate in the “program” may become liable for payment to the bank. For more information, see “TRICARE Beneficiaries Being Targeted by Fraudulent Secret Shopper Offer” at Beneficiaries who receive these fraudulent letters are asked to report them to DHA Program Integrity at   

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