Monday, May 18, 2015

TOP STORY >> May is Mental Health Awareness Month

By Senior Airman Stephanie Serrano
19th Airlift Wing Public Affairs 

People are the most important assets of the military. When there are issues going on at home or someone is struggling with something that has happened to them emotionally, a person is less likely to complete the mission correctly.  

May is National Mental Health Awareness Month, and everyone is reminded that there are resources available no matter their situation. Mental health affects all Americans whether military or civilian in many ways.  Common mental health issues include anxiety, depression, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder and more.

One way Air Force members can improve their mental fitness is by using the Comprehensive Airman Fitness model.  The purpose of the CAF mental domain is to help Airmen and their families live balanced lives and help them cope with the stressors and changing demands of military life. 

At Little Rock Air Force Base, Airmen can take classes and seek help for any obstacles they might face.

“The Leadership Pathways program hosts a number of classes that teach members how all base members become more resilient, adapt to military life and maintain a positive attitude,” said Stephanie Wynn, 19th Airlift Wing community support coordinator. “The key to mental health is always getting help early.”

Some of the classes offered in the mental domain include Healthy Thinking, Brief Mindfulness, a four-part Relaxation Class and Sleep Enhancement. Many other classes fall into the mental domain; these classes are taught by the mental health clinic. 

Sign up for classes by going to

There are multiple avenues to take when searching for help. Some other useful resources from base helping organizations include: Mental Health Clinic 501-987-7338, Chaplain Service 501-987-6014, Military Family Life Consultant 501-366-7703 and Airman and Family Readiness Center 501-987-6801

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