Friday, February 6, 2015

TOP STORY >> P4: New partnership program helps make every dollar count

By Cheri Dragos-Pritchard
19th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

In 2014 Little Rock Air Force Base began a new way of doing business to address budget reductions across the Air Force – it’s the Public-to-Public, Public-to-Private Partnerships or better known as the P4 Community Partnership Program. 

This program is designed to shape the future of Little Rock Air Force Base and the local communities by forming partnerships. These partnerships help leverage the capabilities and resources of both. Working together, the base and the communities ensure the base remains viable, postured for the future and families are well-taken care of. 

“As we move into 2015, we want to refine the P4 process and explore new opportunities,” said John Steele, 19th Mission Support Group deputy director.  “Our base has been here for almost 60 years and we’ve been home to a wide variety of aircraft and weapon systems that provided Global Vigilance, Global Reach, and Global Power.  We have an obligation to the Air Force and the people of central Arkansas to continue this proud heritage. To do that, we need the community’s help.”

To build on this initiative, base and community leadership have pulled together a team to focus on making the P4 Program a success for central Arkansas. 

Some of the partnering initiatives that will be further investigated in 2015  are:

Joint Shooting Range 

• Mass Transit/Pedestrian Access

• Workforce Transition

• Wellness Services

• Aero Club

Currently, the team is diligently working on a series of initiatives dealing with infrastructure, education, libraries, etc. Each initiative has gone or will go through a legal review and a cross-functional task force of subject matter experts to determine the best, most cost-effective  way  forward.

“We are progressing with the action plans drafted for our original P4 initiatives and continue to develop our path forward,” Steele stated. “Fiscal challenges continue to change the way we do business, and sequestration is not going away anytime soon.  It is our new way of operating.” 

Steele went on to say the team needed to continue to find ways to sustain our base for the future. 

“This team did great things during 2014 with the original nine initiatives,” Steele said. “We need to keep that momentum going. We are on the leading edge of P4 and we need to keep it that way.”

Sustainment of the P4 program depends on the innovative ideas of community partners. To submit an idea, contact Steele at or 501-987-1905. 

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