Thursday, August 11, 2011

TOP STORY > >Little Rock AFB to consider VanPool Program

It’s a well-known fact that Americans love their cars. However, as the burden of economic instability spreads throughout the nation and gas prices continue to fluctuate, commuters have been finding alternatives to sitting behind the wheel. More people are realizing instead of driving to work on their own, they might do better to share a ride with other from their area.

There is no confirmed date when the first VanPool on Little Rock Air Force Base, Ark. will begin, but briefings are tentatively scheduled for those who are interested to learn more about the program. A projected number of participants are needed in order to start up a new VanPool. However, once this number has been established, the process from start to finish could be as short as 30-60 days.

On April 21, 2000, Executive Order 13150 was signed, which implemented a transit benefit for federal employees. This transit benefit provides a tax-free monthly benefit of up to $230 for personnel in their local commute, including from residence to permanent duty station or work-place utilizing VanPools or commuter buses. Registration is required through the program point of contact and fare media (vouchers), which are provided to participants.

Not all riders in the VanPool must be federal employees. However, non-federal VanPool members are not eligible for the Federal Transit Benefit, and would pay the same fare as all other van pool participants. They may check with their human resources department directly for availability of this benefit.

A representative from VanPool Service Inc., a Commuter Transportation Company that operates nationwide, will be available at Little Rock AFB at the following time and location to explain the month-to-month turnkey vanpool program and public transportation benefit program procedure. VanPool basics can be found at

Wednesday at 9 a.m., noon and 3 p.m.

Thursday at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

All briefings are scheduled to be held at the base theater.

For more information about e-mail Lynn Shaw, Base Program POC at

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